陳榮銳 (Chen, Yung-Ruei)
職 稱 教授
出生年 1940
最高學歷 美國密西根州立大學博士
專 長 細胞生物學、逆境植物學
E-mail yrc@ms.ntu.edu.tw
研究室 生命科學館 905 室
電話 02-23630231 ext.2372
一、 植物對重金屬逆境的反應及抗性機制的探討。
二、 植物韌皮部蛋白質的研究。

  過去的幾年工作成果如左:建立酸性燐酸酵素細胞化學定位的技術與同功效素的純化與鑑定技術;分離與鑑定植物螯合物的誘導、合成及生理功能;鎘離子誘導植物莖部內的木質部產生轉型細胞,擬進一步其生理意義及周緣性;建立以滿江紅為生物學教材與分子生物學的模式植物;細葉台灣榕葉片的發育。觀察細葉台灣榕的葉片生長曲線、脈序與泌水器;水孔與氣孔的特性比較;泌水器的形態發生;植物韌皮部蛋白質的研究。24 kDa 韌皮部蛋白質的純化、鑑定與免疫細胞定位;42,5 kDa 韌皮部蛋白質的純化、鑑定與 N- 端氨基酸定序;植物各部器官組織內韌皮部蛋白質的特性比較;阿拉伯芥生理性白苗的誘導與特性鑑定; Ch 5 遺傳性突變種的特性鑑定與分析。另外與中研院植物所楊棋明博士合作的有;綠豆種皮的發育與特性鑑定;種子發育中的種皮變化;綠豆種皮中的色素復合體的分離與特性鑑定。

Chen, Y. R., M. Chou, S. H. Ren, Y. M Chen, and C. Y. Lin. 1988. Observation of soybean root meristematic cells and their response to heat shock. Protoplasma 144:1-9.

Chen, Y. R., T. L. Lin, and Y. F. Huang. 1988. Variations in the plastids of albino plants derived from rice anther culture. Proc. Natl. Sci. Coun. ROC part B 12:62-68.

*Chen, W. S., Y. F. Huang, and Y. R. Chen. 1992. Localization of acid phosphatase in root cap of rice plant. Bot Bull. Acad. Sinica 33: 1-6.

*Yang, C. M., J. C. Hsu. and Y. R. Chen. 1994. Light delays the degradation of pigment-protein complexes in imbibed mungbean testa. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 35:161-164.

*Yang, C. M., J. C. Hsu, and Y. R. Chen. 1995. Analysis of pigment-protein complexes in mungbean testa. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 33 :135-140.

*Lu, Y. K., C. M. Yang, and Y. R. Chen. 1995. Characterization of the thylakoid membarane in a chlorophyll deficient ch5 mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana. Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 36 :33-40.

Wang, M. C. and Y. R. Chen. 1997. Separation of phloem specific 42.5 kDa  protein by a two-dimensional gel. Taiwania 42:180-188.

Wang, Y. C., C. C. Chen, and Y. R. Chen.1998. Effect of low temperature on plant growth and protein patterns in phloem exudate of Luffa cylindrica. Taiwania 43: 247-260.

Ma, S. Y. and Y. R. Chen. 1999. Effects of copper on membrane lipids, photosynthetic pigments and thiol-containing compounds in leaves of Zinnia elegans. Taiwania 44: 259-270.

Yan, S. L. C. C. Tsay, and Y. R. Chen. 2000. Isolation and characterization of phytochelatin synthase in rice seedlings. Proc. Nat’l Sci. Coun. Part B 24: 202-207.

Chen, W.-T., Chen, C. -C., Wang, Y. -C., and Chen, Y. –R. 2001 Distribution of cadmium and its effect on growth of Zinnia elegans. Taiwania 46: 295-306.

Tsay, T. -C., Ma, S. -Y. and Chen, Y. -R. 2002. Cadmium-binding polypeptides in cadmium-treat Zinnia. Taiwan 47: 11-23.

普通植物學、逆境植物學、細胞生物學、植物學研究法及顯微技術 (LM及EM)

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